Serial port on Gamber Johnson docking station for L10A

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R Richard Venderbosch 1 year 10 months ago
48 1 0

The Gamber Johnson tablet docking station for the Zebra L10A has a 9 pin serial port (RS232).

Is this serial port usable for general purpose communication - for example to a serial printer or from and to a mobile scale or some other RS-232 connectable peripheral device? Or is the serial port only intended for connecting a serial barcode scanner?

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Accepted Solution

S Sean Kennedy

Although Datawedge will consume this Serial Port - for Serial Port connected scan devices it is very likely that you can use the Dock (RS232) Serial Port for "Serial Teminal" type applications.

For example Kai Morich has a Google Play app found here:

I have used this with USB/Serial port and DEX connectors on TC5x platforms running similar Android versions as the L10a.
(FYI: I do not have an L10A/DOCK at my disposal - but this app can be loaded from the GMS Play Store and tested.)

If you have a Null Modem cable and connect the L10a Serial to a USB-Serial Dongle on a PC running TeraTerm (Or PuTTY) or minicom on Linux/MacOS - you can confirm if you can connect and setup communications at (9600,8,N ,1) Serial settings - and type on the keyboards (software / hardware) to see if Serial Data is exchanged.

1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

Although Datawedge will consume this Serial Port - for Serial Port connected scan devices it is very likely that you can use the Dock (RS232) Serial Port for "Serial Teminal" type applications.

For example Kai Morich has a Google Play app found here:

I have used this with USB/Serial port and DEX connectors on TC5x platforms running similar Android versions as the L10a.
(FYI: I do not have an L10A/DOCK at my disposal - but this app can be loaded from the GMS Play Store and tested.)

If you have a Null Modem cable and connect the L10a Serial to a USB-Serial Dongle on a PC running TeraTerm (Or PuTTY) or minicom on Linux/MacOS - you can confirm if you can connect and setup communications at (9600,8,N ,1) Serial settings - and type on the keyboards (software / hardware) to see if Serial Data is exchanged.

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