Simulate or exercise Alert Conditions

// Expert user has replied. //Solved
S SDK NDD 1 year 3 months ago
40 1 1



We are implementing the collection of Zebra Printer Alerts using the PC-Java SDK, and we found several alerts listed on the AlertCondition class, that we want to capture (receive the alert via code) and test.


Some alerts we see that are easy to test, like:


But there is some alerts such as:


That we are not sure how to test to see if when configuring to receive the alert, it will work as it should.


There is any way to simulate or a explanation of what do we need to do to make these alerts happen? We have a ZT231 and a ZD230.


Best regards.

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Accepted Solution

S Steven Si

Unfortunately, we don't have a simulator for alerts. Some of the alerts may never happen. To test alert handling, we can use the HEAD OPEN alert generated from a printer. All the other alerts from the printer follow the same format. Using the HEAD OPEN alert to test the alert handling should be sufficient.

1 Replies

S Steven Si

Unfortunately, we don't have a simulator for alerts. Some of the alerts may never happen. To test alert handling, we can use the HEAD OPEN alert generated from a printer. All the other alerts from the printer follow the same format. Using the HEAD OPEN alert to test the alert handling should be sufficient.

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