Store OCR + Image Scans in Excel Sheet

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I IT Dep. IT Dep. 5 months 3 weeks ago
58 1 0

Hi, i am looking for some convenient way, how to store data from scanned assets in an excelsheet (on the scanner)

The data contains basically a an Asset Serial Number which may be only in Text format and the imager photo of the scanned area which should be placed in two columns, third column can also contain any barcodes detected in the area should they be there.

Can it be done with Datawedge and how?




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1 Replies

I Ian Hatton

You can use the Datawedge free-form image capture sample here  (

)  as a starting point for an app to receive the barcode and image . Writing the data in an Excel format may be challenging on an Android device but something like this API may help:

OCR will have to be performed separately so it would be a two-step data capture process i.e. 

a) capture and process OCR serial number with one DW profile

b) switch to a second DW profile to capture and process barcode+image


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