TC20: Does TC20 support OCR?

r roberto cottone 3 years 9 months ago
9 2 0

Hi development team,

I develop mobile application (with react-native framework) on TC20 device, follow this example:
GitHub - darryncampbell/RNDataWedgeIntentDemo: React Native example application demonstrating react-native-datawedge-int…
Thank darryncampbell for the good job, I can get 1D/2D barcode exactly. But, how about OCR, does TC20 support OCR?.
If yes, have any example code for this?


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2 Replies

P Protar Smith

Was trying something similar, did you manage to get?

With Regards,

r roberto cottone

Hi, thank you.

Zebra do have a product called SimulScan which provides OCR capabilities but I'm afraid it is not supported on our value-tier TC20 or TC25.

My suggestion would be to investigate using a 3rd party OCR app or library but I can't offer any specific suggestions here as I do not have any experience I'm afraid.


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