TC27/RFD40 Behaviour RFID Scanning

G Gijs Schalk 4 weeks 1 day ago
62 2 0


I'am working on a .NET MAUI app which scans the epc codes of RFID tags.

I want the RFID scanning behaviour to be like the 123RFID profile 'fastest read' .

The singulation settings are in this mode:


I try to replicate this behaviour using the MauiRfidSample which is included in the Zebra RFID Reader SDK for MAUI version ( which is the latest on the Zebra website)

I've made the singulation settings the same as 123RFID:
                        var singulation = rfidReader.Config.Antennas.GetSingulationControl(1);
                       singulation.Session = SESSION.SessionS0;
                       singulation.Action.InventoryState = INVENTORY_STATE.InventoryStateAbFlip;
                       singulation.Action.SLFlag = SL_FLAG.SlAll;
                       rfidReader.Config.Antennas.SetSingulationControl(1, singulation);

But the behaviour is strange:
In 123RFID every time I scan all the tags in the field are read. This is the behaviour I want.

In the mauirfidsample after the first scan seems mostly fine. 
But when I scan again (also after restarting the application!) most of the time the tags are not read anymore!
But when I scan new tags they are read, its like the RFD40 'rembembers' that these tags are already scanned!

What is the problem here? can this be another setting I have to apply?

Another thing that I noticed, the version of the MAUI sdk is and the version of 123RFID is

best regards,


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2 Replies

c chetan patel

To read the MEMORY_BANK_USER content use the tag access mode during configure


and the code for the event handler

class EventHandler implements RfidEventsListener {
  // Read Event Notification
  public void eventReadNotify(RfidReadEvents e) {
    TagData tag = e.getReadEventData().tagData;
         && tag.getOpStatus() == ACCESS_OPERATION_STATUS.ACCESS_SUCCESS) {
      Log.d(TAG, "eventReadNotify - tag id " + tag.getTagID() + " and mem bank " + tag.getMemoryBankData());

G Gijs Schalk

hi, was this an answer to my question?
My question was about singulation, not about reading the USER memory bank.

G Gijs Schalk

hi, is this an answer to my question? My question was not about reading the user memory bank.

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