We have upgraded our Zebra TC52 device from Android 11 to Android 13. We have developed our application to bind service com.symbol.mxmf.MxFrameworkService in Android 11. After upgrading device from Android 11 to 13, we are unable to bind this service. While trying to bind the service then getting the following error.
interaction: PackageSetting{d5d6bc6 com.kore.employeeassist/10224} -> PackageSetting{7b7267b com.symbol.mxmf/10036} BLOCKED
Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.symbol.mxmf/.MxFrameworkService } U=0: not found
Do I need to use any special permissions to bind this service in Android 13?
Also I have observed in zebra documents that we can't process XML data using MxFrameworkService Android 13 onwards. Instead of xml format need to use JsonString. Can I have the format of JsonString to process in Android 13.
Please help me.
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