Wanna ask some help about this handheld RFD4031

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C Christian Medalla 2 years 3 months ago
38 1 0

Hi! Good day! we have this new RFID reader RFD4031 which we are currently using for our mobile and web application and we need to know how do we use its Wi-Fi connectivity we couldn't find any resources to configure it do we need to configure it just like the FX Reader? if not can you provide us a more specific details regarding this matter involved. Thank you! looking forward for any response.

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1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

The Wifi Config is not what you are assuming. The Wifi methods are still being determined by the RFID Subject Matter experts at Zebra.
These methods are likely to be biased toward remote maintenance ( Firmware updates and Network Visibility for asset management ) as compared to "Fixed RFID" that you are envisioning.

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