Why restarts my device if I use the barcode reader?

A Andreas Makkos 2 years 11 months ago
195 10 0


I have a strange issue with my apk. I implemented the barcode reading, and If I start my application, and after that I step to the home screen, and I waiting when the device step into sleep mode, the device is restarts automatically. If I delete all of EMDK things from my application, then it doesn't restarts.

I don't know if it is important, but in my case this restarting thing appear after 5 min inactivity.
I used this tutorial for the implementation: https://techdocs.zebra.com/emdk-for-android/11-0/tutorial/tutBasicScann…

I created a simple demo app, which is do the same thing as well.

The device is a Zebra MC3300
Android version: 7.1

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10 Replies

D Darryn Campbell

Hi, I can confirm there is nothing in your code that would be causing the reset so this is unexpected.  Do you see anything in logcat before the reset happens?

A Andreas Makkos

Thanks for you reply, unfortunately when I plug the device to the computer, the device doesn't produce this behavier, therefore I can't see the logs. This is very annoying issue, but I am sure that my app doesn't couse this error, but I would like to prove this.

D Darryn Campbell

Alternatively, you can use RxLogger to capture and record adb logs during failure, then copy these off the device after: https://techdocs.zebra.com/rxlogger/5-4/guide/about/

A Andreas Makkos

Thanks, I tried, but when the logger runs, the restart thing doesn't happen. So I hate this device :D

D Darryn Campbell

Do you only have the one device?  I'm wondering if this is device-specific.

A Andreas Makkos

Yes I have just one, but the company has more, to who I develop this application, and they also suffer from this issue.

R Richard Venderbosch

I would recommend to upgrade your MC3300 unit to Android 8.1.

A Andreas Makkos

Thansk, how can I do that? Sorry, I have never used this device, so I can not find the built in software update menu in settings.

R Richard Venderbosch

There is no such system menu in the settings.

Downloads are available on https://www.zebra.com/us/en/support-downloads/mobile-computers/handheld…

But you will need a valid support contract to download files from these support pages.

A Andreas Makkos

Maybe I "Fixed" this problem. I always init the Barcode Listener in Activity OnResume method, and deInit in onPause. Looks like it is work, not the best solution, but at least the device desn't restart herself

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