Write EPC Data to a Tag?

// Expert user has replied.
M Mugileeshwaran Sugumar 1 year 1 month ago
50 1 0

Hey, I just read the particular EPC data from one tag, i just want to write those EPC Value to another tag, is that possible, can you help me with some documentation for writing a EPC to a tag?

1. If some one help me with the code, if possible
2. Link or reference

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1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

That would be Tag Write.

Use the 123RFID Mobile app for Android - or 123RFID Mobile app for iOS.

Do an inventory and find both your tags.

Choose the Origin, target tag and use Tag Write menu - to "READ" the Tag.
Copy/Cut this data from the data feild.

Choose the Destination tag, and in the EPC - using the Tag Write menu - Use WRITE to update this same data.


A quick tip.  You may wish to Hide the origin tag temporarily when Writing the Destination tag.


Once the EPC's are written and this works for you - you can review the source code for 123RFID Mobile app.


You can consult the RFID techdocs here:



Look at "Write Access" in the Tutorials.

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