Join Dan Quagliana as he interviews Doddle’s Gary O’Connor, CTO and Ben Rodway, Head of Technology about becoming an ISV, their takeaways from Zebra’s last APPFORUM and what’s in store for them in 2019 as they are Early Adopter Partners for Zebra’s Savanna Data Services platform. Doddle is an in-store software technology company focused on retail and logistics. This includes parcel online ordering delivery in-store for customer pick up and the return process which includes stores shipping back out to online vendors or putting items back into stock. While the UK market is their primary focus, they have recently expanded to the Netherlands and Australia, with plans to further expand their US market in the coming year.
Doddle began working with Zebra as a customer and followed a development path to become an ISV. With Zebra’s ISV validation process, it increased their visibility and provided credibility with their Zebra validation logo.As a Zebra ISV, it has allowed them to further their international expansion, participate in the Global ISV Summit permitting a voice into shaping the program, and to access demo kits and new products through Zebra’s Early Adopter Program.
As a participant in Zebra’s APPFORUM 2017, Doddle learned of Zebra’s Savanna platform and saw firsthand the advantage of participating as a Savanna Early Adopter to expand their market, helping them identify their future business solutions utilizing Zebra tools with RFID technology. For their current use case they’re leveraging Savanna APIs, including the Inventory API and with this enhanced functionality from Savanna, Doddle has been able to streamline their development process and create a solution to track locations of in-store retail items quickly for workers. They are working on a new solution that allows consumers to return items to locations other than the retailer they ordered it from, without having to ship it back. Doddle is looking forward to showcasing this solution at the 2019 NRF event with Zebra Technologies.
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