ZT411 RFID Printer

// Expert user has replied.
P Parashuram JAdhav 5 months ago
46 1 0
Hi, Need Help


Currently Working on Zebra ZT411 Printer, I need help on RFID command that only reads the TID without feeding the label,I am using Zebra.Printer.SDK Below is C# Code 

 string readCommand = "^XA" + 
    "^RFR,H,0,12,2^FN1^FS^HV1,,Tag ID Data:^FS" + 
byte[] readTIDByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(readCommand);
 byte[] response = connection.Read();
 string result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);


After Execute of connection.Write(readTIDByte); Statement ,Printer feeding the Label and response data will be null


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1 Replies

S Steven Si

When using the ZPL for the RFID read, the printer will feed one RFID tag at the end of the execution. This is because the ZPL (^XA....^XZ) also represents a label. If we only want to read the RFID without feeding an RFID tag, we have to use the RFID SGD commands, e.g., a few sample commands below. Please refer to the RFID Programming Guide 3 for details. 

### Specify the content to be read.
! U1 setvar "rfid.tag.read.content" "value"

### Execute the read operation
! U1 setvar "rfid.tag.read.execute"

### Get the result
! U1 getvar "rfid.tag.read.result_line1"


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