Edit Hostname to a more readable name

r roberto cottone 3 years 8 months ago
98 1 0

Hello everybody,
I have a question regarding the edit of the hostname through StageNow. I am aware that I can accomplish that by using either the HostManager or the DHCPManager. The only thing that I am able to define there is a specific textfield up to ~91 characters long.
I didn't really get the point why I should use a staging solution to define a fixed name that will be distributed to hundreds of devices??
Therefore I think that it may be possible to define a dynamic and variable hostname based on the following scheme:
Anyone knows how this is possible?

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1 Replies

J James Muto

I don't know if you are familiar with any server side web programming languages (PHP, ASP, .Net, etc) but at one time I was able to program a page that would return a stagenow XML configuration file with a dynamically incremented hostname, based upon the last number assigned plus 1 with querystring parameters for the non-unique parts of the hostname. Your barcode would have to call that page and supply the variables and the webserver would return an XML file that would always have the same static file name, which then could be executed from the next step of the script through the batch processing setting after waiting for the file to exist on the device. you could use a conditional setting for that verification, or just have two barcodes if that is too complicated (1 to download the dynamic XML file and another to apply it). I hope that gives you an idea of how to accomplish this.

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