Error to load ZMotifGraphics.dll

L Luis Bravilla Santiago 3 years 8 months ago
56 1 0

I am trying to print a test card with a ZXP Series 8 printer, using the sample code ZXPSampleCode in the SDK, but it throws me the following error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException in ZMotifGraphics.dll.
Register the DLLs (ZMotifPrinter.dll, ZMotifGraphics.dll) using
regsvr32 "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Zebra Technologies \ ZMotif SDKs \ PrinterSDK \ x86 \ ZMotifPrinter.dll"
resgam.exe "C: \ Zebra \ ZMotif SDKs \ GraphicsSDK \ ZMotifGraphics.dll"
My operating system is: Windows 10 Pro 1903 64bits
Could you guide me to solve this problem please?

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1 Replies

S Stephen Troup

You don't need to register the zmotifgraphics.dll using regasm, just copy the file into the same location as the program or check the project references as it may have lost the location so you need to reattach it by deleting the existing reference and adding it again.

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