ZPL - Documentation Error

D Dalton Brady 3 years 10 months ago
112 0 0

Page 721 of the SGD Printer Commands section of the ZPL 2, ZBI2, Set-Get-Do, Mirror, WML Programming Guide P1099958-002 published August 26, 2019 in the example Listed under SetVar
It repeats the content from the device.pause but it's pretty out of context, and takes inference to understand that device.pause and device.unpause are 2 separate commands.
Quickly reading this caused me to think that the SGD command device.pause worked to both pause and un-pause a printer.
The example should read something similar to the following:
To cause the printer in pause mode to resume printing:
! U1 SETVAR "device.unpause" ""
It currently states:
To cause the printer in pause mode to resume printing:
! U1 SETVAR "device.pause" ""
Just figured I would mention this, I used to work at Zebra and hate to see it when the documentation isn't up to snuff.

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