LinkOS SDK and printing via the serial port. C#

G George Tziros 3 years 10 months ago
4 2 0

New to C# coding.
Does the LinkOS SDK provide any help for printing directly to the serial port?
I have found the GitHub code samples that covers USB and TCPIP printing but before i doing all the code for sending the ZPL to the serial port, i thought i would see if i could use the SDK.

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2 Replies

G George Tziros

Thanks but I don't think the UsbDiscoverer class covers the serial port.
I have created my own classes for it using the c# SerialPort Class

A Alexander Palchikov

Hi George
In the linkos sdk directory there are many samples. 
I believe you need to take a look at UsbDiscoverer class.
Alexander Palchikov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

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