Unable to resolve com.symbol.emdk:7.0+ after updating to Android Studio 3.6.3

D David Mohnke 3 years 10 months ago
645 1 0

I recently upgraded my development environment to Android Studio 3.6.3 and now I'm not able to resolve com.symbol:emdk:7.0.+.
The actual error is:
ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ':freeRDPCore@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve com.symbol:emdk:7.0+.
In my gradle-wrapper.properties, the Gradle version is 5.6.4 and the classpath in build.gradle is 3.6.1.
Other than uninstalling Android Studio and reverting to 3.6.2, any ideas. Is it possible just to get the jar and forget about trying to download it from JCenter?

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1 Replies

D Darryn Campbell

I don't think this would be related to the version of Android Studio as it is just gradle configuration.  All of the EMDK packages are at https://bintray.com/zebratechnologies/EMDKAndroid/com.symbol.emdk … there is still a 7.0.0, you might want to modify your gradle to pull in that version specifically or else follow the official sample to pull in the latest, https://github.com/ZebraDevs/samples-emdkforandroid-7_3/blob/master/Bar…
I don't see any mention of EMDK in the FreeRDP project but I may be looking in the wrong place, I haven't heard of that before.

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