I am developing one project using AngularJS, Typescript and an IONIC-5 frame work. In my project i have a requirement to scan the BARCODE and RFID tags using Zebra RFD8500 model device. But i didn't found any SDK related to IONIC in you portal.
Target OS: Android and IOS.
Please help me.
RFID SDK for ionic 5 framework.// Expert user has replied. |
2 Replies
Sorry we do not support the RFD8500 - Android Development SDK - for development platforms other than: Android Studio (Java) and For Visual Studio - Xamarin.
The Angular-JS/Ionic - is not an available development platform, for an SDK from Zebra.
Sorry we do not support the RFD8500 - Android Development SDK - for development platforms other than: Android Studio (Java) and For Visual Studio - Xamarin.
The Angular-JS/Ionic - is not an available development platform, for an SDK from Zebra.