Serial port library in RFID FX9600 Embedded Java SDK

// Expert user has replied.
C Charly Wu 3 years 10 months ago
11 1 0

Hi all,
Does RFID3 (com.mot.rfid.api3) library support/contain serial port? if no, do you have any recommendation which serial port library is proven to work in FX9500 or FX9600?

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1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

The RFID3 is not designed to provide that as such, since that would be available to the runtime as an access for a Serial_IO library - to connect to "/dev/ttyS2" as a device / unix connection and not an "RFID" related library.
So dependent on the Embedded SDK you are working with - you then can look for Serial Communication interface Libraries and test connecting for data via the dev path I have shown.

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