TC20/RFD2000 - charging message despite device not charging - help

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M Marwin Rott 3 years 10 months ago
256 3 0

Hello all,
I have developed a scanner app for our customer a while back, it runs on the TC20/RFD2000 on Android 7.1 and has thus far functioned without any problems whatsoever for almost 2 years.
Last week, the customer opened a ticket to me. After charging in the cradle, they tried using the scanner as normal, but were unable to, getting the error message "charging in progress-Command not allowed" whenever they tried scanning - even though the device was very obviously NOT charging. What we tried so far:
- Reboot (no change)
- Disconnect and reconnect TC20 from RFD2000 (no change)
- Charging again until full (no change)
- trying the first two after this full recharge (no change)
Now, I know this message isn't related to my app but rather part of the API or system itself. It seems to me that for some reason, some flag either got stuck or keeps being set incorrectly, but since I have no access to that code that doesn't help me.
I think it could also be some kind of hardware issue, but since the devices are out of warranty I'm out of luck if that is the case.
I have already contacted support but they were unable to help me.
Do any of you have any idea what could be happening there and how I can fix it?

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3 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

The RFD2000 RFID SLED is not charged from the USB-C port on the TC20 that connects to it.
The CRD1S-RFD2000 - single slot cradle is designed to Charge the RFD2000 RFID sled, as well as the TC20.
As does the 5-slot cradle.

I Ian Hatton

Sounds like a hardware issue to me - you could confirm that by installing the 123RFID Mobile demo app to confirm that it is not working with a different app

M Maciej Wrobel

Hello my frends,

i found this topic and waiting if somebody will reply what to do beacuse i had the same issue. But today i sit to TC and tried again and and and it working !

But from the bigining, i did the same steps what are in first posts. Additional i did recovery to manufacture state by the settings in andorid. After that still i get the same message.

I lave TC with connected RFID sled to fully dischard. Today i checked and TC had 10% so i checked in app RFID Manager how look rfd sled.

RFID Manager :
Reader : Attached
Battery status :

So i connected TC to power creadle, give it 5 min and checked again RFID Manager :

RFID Manager :
Reader : Attached
Battery status : 5%

Tried my app and get our message ... still the same ...

I power off TC and leave it for few h. When i came back i power on TC but away from power cradle. And checked RFID Manager.

RFID Manager :
Reader : Attached
Battery status : 95%

Tried my app and all working good ...
Even other apps like 123rfid.

So steps to get rid of issue :

1. leave tc on to full dischard of rfd sled
2. power off tc and put in power creadle
3. get from power creadle TC and power it on [ dont turn on TC in power crealde - but not tested]
4. Should working

It comes out that RFID sled has some sort memory of battery status which can freeze ... and make our life more stressful.
Please try and give some feedback.


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