TC72 device is not supported on the Play store (again) - Corrected

J Jose Dias 3 years 10 months ago
51 1 0

We develop a Xamarin app for Android that I test with a TC25. We just got a report from a customer that bought a TC72 (ZEB-TC72L-OME24B0-NA) (EDITED from TC70) and is not able to download the app from the App Store with the error message that the device isn’t compatible with her version. I found this thread in the forum:
Which is related but my manifest does not have the SEND_SMS so it must be another permission that must be changed. Here is my manifest and would you please let me know what could be the offending permission request?


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1 Replies

D Darryn Campbell

TC72 is a non-WAN device, perhaps remove the fine permission request? Everything else looks OK

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