Looking for SMDK < v2 for programming Symbol MK-1200 (Windows CE .NET 4.2)

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K Konstantin Otten 3 years 9 months ago
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2 Replies

A Angelo Cargnel

Latest SMDK has the filename SMDK-M-1.07.03.exe.
You might find a download on the internet.

D Darryn Campbell

Sorry but that device is not supported and the SMDK that supported that device is no longer available for download on the official site.&nbsp; The downloadable SDKs only go back as far as CE5 but that device runs CE4.2.&nbsp; The SMDK (Symbol Mobility Developer Kit) was renamed to EMDK (Enterprise Mobility Developer Kit) around 2008.&nbsp; You could try the EMDK version 2.1 which was released in 2009 and&nbsp;supported CE5.0+ but I don't know whether it would work or not:&nbsp;https://www.zebra.com/us/en/support-downloads/software/developer-tools/…;

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