Using RFD8500 RFID scanner in Flutter / ReactNative / Xamarin App

U Udayabanu Sadhasivam 3 years 10 months ago
326 1 0

I have a need to develop an App that should work in both Android and iOS devices. The "ONLY" prominent requirement for me is that my App should communicate with RFD8500 scanner to scan UHF RFID tags.
Since my App MUST work in Android and iOS devices, instead of creating a "native" App, I'm going to create a "Cross Platform" App.
I would like to know whether I should use Flutter (or) React Native (or) Xamarin App? I understand when it comes to choosing a Cross Platform development framework there are many many things that should be considered. But the "ONLY" concrete requirement I have is that the cross platform development framework I choose should support Zebra RFD8500 scanner for UHF RFID scanning. Period.
Can someone tell me which framework is best suited for my requirement and why?

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