Android Zq320 print: truncated words

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M Michele Meomartino 3 years 10 months ago
43 2 0

I'm developing an android app on a Zebra Zq320 in line_print mode and this happens: when the sentences are largest than the paper they are truncated without any logic.
Is there any way (sdk or printer settings) to avoid word truncating or automatic word wrap when sentences are larghest than paper?

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2 Replies

S Steven Si

With line_print mode, there is no way to prevent the truncation, unless the application break the long string into multiple lines. If use ZPL mode, we can take advantage of Text Block (^TB), which has an automatic word-wrap function. ^TB can prevent the truncation up to the height of the text block.

c chris green

One major benefit of ZPL mode is its Text Block (^TB) feature, which is quite flexible and includes an automatic word-wrap function. By verifying that text fits within the allowed block height, \TB ensures a cleaner, more successful print than line_print mode, which runs the risk of truncation. It guarantees that no information is lost and improves readability.

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