ScanningFrameworkAPK - Disable BluetoothScanningService Being Ignored

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C Collin Walther 3 years 10 months ago
740 1 0

Issue: ScanningFrameworkAPK BluetoothScanningService gets enabled after every tablet restart even when Bluetooth scanning is disabled in settings.
Model: ET51CT
Android Version: 10
Build Number: 10-16-10.00-QG-U11-STD-HEL-04
Kernel version: 4.4.205-perf
Xamarin Wrapper SDK: Scanner_SDK_for_Xamarin_for_Android_v1.0.10.0
Model: DS3678
Connection preference: SSI BT Classic (Non-discoverable)
Reproductive steps:
1. Create Xamarin.Android application and include the Xamarin wrapper SDK
2. On App start, create an instance of ScannerSDK(), register callbacks etc.
3. Start app on tablet
4. Swipe down from top of tablet screen
5. Notification says "Bluetooth Scanning Service - Allow to disable bluetooth scanning service? some application needs to disable the service"
6. Tap disable
7. Pair scanner via SSI non discoverable to tablet via barcode image conforming to pairing format seen here (
8. Xamarin Wrapper SDK will recognize connection and callbacks get called in app as expected.
- This is where the issue occurs -
9. Search "WiFi- and Bluetooth scanning" in Settings > Disable Bluetooth scanning
10. Restart tablet
11. Start app and repeat step 7 in app.
12. The tablet will recognize the connection BUT the SDK will not and callbacks do not get called.
13. Small fix is to swipe down from the top and keep disabling the bluetooth scanning service. (But I thought it was already disabled in the Settings from Step 9.)
Step 9 is getting ignored by the OS. Plain and simple.

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