Enterprise Keyboard Designer
Enterprise Keyboard Designer (EKD) is a free GUI tool for Windows that can be used to create customized key layouts for Zebra's Enterprise Keyboard to enhance an application and enable efficient and accurate data entry.
Enterprise Keyboard Designer (EKD) is a free GUI tool for Windows that can be used to create customized key layouts to enhance an application and enable efficient and accurate data entry.
EKD employs a drag-and-drop interface with control over fonts, images, key codes, layout transparency and many other layout properties. As many as 20 custom key layouts can be created, and are stored in a "layout definition file," which is deployed to devices and called by apps as needed to match specific types of input. Layouts can be displayed programmatically using Android intents, or DataWedge, when specific input situations arise.
Popular Tutorials


Create Project

Learn how to create a new EKB Designer project


Create Layouts

Learn how to create new, custom EKB layouts


Set Button Properties

Learn how to position & configure buttons


Set Layout Properties

Configure various properties of custom layouts


Deploy Layout(s)

Learn how to create & deploy the encrypted file generated by EKB Designer


Switch Layouts

This section explains the program logic involved when switching layouts with Android intents when focus of an input field changes.


Portrait, Transparent

See-through layouts designed for devices used mostly in vertical orientation.


Portrait, Non-transparent

Opaque (non-transparent) layouts designed for devices used mostly in vertical orientation.


Landscape, Transparent

Landscape layouts with a see-through background designed for Zebra WT6000 and other devices used mostly in horizontal orientation.


Landscape, Non-transparent

Layouts designed for tablets, vehicle computers and other devices used mostly in horizontal orientation.


SAP Portrait, Non-transparent

Layouts designed for apps that use the Enterprise Browser package for the SAP ITSmobile solution.


Split Portrait, Non-transparent

Portrait layout and split-key layouts designed for the small screen of the Zebra EC30 device.


Zoom Portrait, Non-transparent

Opaque (non-transparent) layouts designed for devices used mostly in the vertical orientation. When a qwerty or symbol key is tapped, the keys immediately surrounding it appear, and can be alternatively selected by dragging.

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UPDATED BY: Ian Hatton - 3 months 3 weeks ago

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