Starting barcode scanner programmatically

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A Alex Esquijarosa Chavian 3 years 10 months ago
163 5 0

Hi Team,
Is there a way to start the scanner (soft trigger) from java code. This is from an application using Native Java for Android. The Datawedge profile is active for the Activity and I can receive Intents from it with the Decoded value but I want to start the scanner using a button on the screen.
Please advice.

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5 Replies

r roberto cottone

As Adithya replied, currently, Rev A on the ET1, you can trigger scanning only by holding down one of the trigger keys or using RhoElements.
Thanks for your question however. It provides us with useful feedback to include this feature in the next round.

Please let me know if you have any feedback on using the Intent mechanism to handle decode data as well [probably a different thread ].


A Adithya Krishnamurthy

Hi Alex,

From what I understand we are not exposing any DataWedge APIs on the ET1 to allow programmatic control of our scan drivers for Native Android apps. The alternatives are h/w button trigger of course or RhoElements or zxing libraries.


A Andrey Maslyuk

Hi Adithya,

zxing is just a last resort, but not a good alternative as it is significantly slower.

I was able to use DataWedge through broadcast intent, but there are two issues here:
1. It must be set up via UI.  This means ground-up setup is more complicated and user may play with settings breaking the functionality.
2. There's no way for setting options programmatically (like symbologies recognized etc.)
Is there a way to overcome these two issues?
This is how we always used scanning (laser or imager or camera-based (ES400)) on WCE platform and had no issues.

Thanks, Andrew.

f fen den

You means java barcode scanner, please look at this java barcode recognition sample, or have a test on Zxing barcode scanner, Zxing barcode is often used in java class of powerful features.

r roberto cottone

Please visit this community:… for additional information on datawedge.
There's a blog on how to enable "Soft trigger" in your application at :… along with sample code.


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