QuickOffice Pro for ET1?

// Expert user has replied.
C Chris Matheson 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

Customer wants to test MS Office access from ET1. I can get them a free trial of QuickOffice Pro for Android direct from their website but need to pick a device. Looks like "Tablet" section supports Honeycomb only so Smartphone option may be better but they want you to select specific device. I don't know what to choose. Problem is customer is testing 3 other tablets and all are up a running already while we are trying to figure out what to load....
They are also asking for Share Point access and i am not sure if this requires a client or browser based access so if anyone has tested either of these and have any info, please let mw know.

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2 Replies

r roberto cottone


I have used the version I posted at this link  http://moto.airsetup.com/tablet/qoandroid_4_1_52_QOTRIAL.apk and it seems to work well on the ET1. For Sharepoint access you will need another applications such as Quick Browser (http://www.spelements.com/spelements.com/android/QuickBrowserForSharePo… ) which requires web services access to the server.

Best Regards,
Ian Hatton

R Robert Galvin


It is hard to tell what the difference is in the Quickoffice app from their website. From the looks of it, the “HD” version is definatley tailored for Honeycomb. The other option, if I had to guess, is probably the same no matter what phone you choose. You may want to try Samsung Galaxy Tab 7”(it is similar screen size, but runs a slightly older OS ‘Froyo’). Or if you want to stick with Moto devuce download then pick Droid X2. Either way it is probably the same app either way. (unless they have one specific for each Android version).

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