ATLS Toolkit : Bug report & discussion

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M Melvin Fleiser 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0

Just want to report some issues we saw almost immediately:

The Toolkit iPad app only wants to scan QR barcodes, however the beacon hardware we received is only labelled with 1D barcodes. Easy to workaround but just FYI.

Using the Toolkit, the tag locations don't light up green as expected, they remain grey. The tag locations do however light up green in the server "Active View" as expected

The Toolkit app doesn't alert the user if the iPad's bluetooth is manually disabled.

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1 Replies

M Mahender Vangati

Thanks Melvin.
Barcode scanning: The ToolBox should be able to read the 1D barcode that is printed on the hardware beacons. Did you have challenges with that? What workaround did you have to use?

Tag Locations lighting up: Once the Beacons are scanned by Toolbox, it does take a while for them to start showing up in green light. We did have some battery reading issues which were fixed in 14D build.

Showing Bluetooth Status: This is a good suggestion. Thanks.

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