Team, while looking into SB, I see that all the MC7094-PK...part numbers refer to 2D imager RoHS configurations but one...MC7094-PKCDJQHA9WR which is described as an 1D model. On the other hand, one can see that all MC7094-PU...part numbers refer to 1D models and MC7094-P2...part number refer to Red Dot Pico Imager models. Could someone verify that MC7094-PKCDJQHA9WR refers to an 1D model? If it does not, the description in SB needs to be corrected. thanks in advance.
MC70 p/n issue// Expert user has replied. |
1 Replies
According to BOM and Agile terminal MC7094-PKCDJQHA9WR refers to 2D scanner.MC7094-PKCDJQHA9WR TERM: 2D,GPRS,WLP,64/128,QTY,WM5,1.5X I contacted SB team that this issue is corrected.