1. 1:37 PM 11/21 2. 3 Day 3. MC9090 CE 5.0 4. BSP 30 5. 1779467 On the MC9090 CE 5.0 device, the VT Keyboard, 3720, and 5250 keyboards have a Lock function next to the Shift, that when activated via Function + Shift should set a CAPS LOCK state. However, this is not working. After pressing 1 key such as V to get "V" it is reverting to "v". Can anyone offer some advice?
4 Replies
Hiro, Your mapping tables worked. I checked the KBTools from DCP 1.7, this is not mapped. // FUNCTION redefinition table SC_LCONTROL, SC_AKEY, SC_BKEY, SC_CKEY, SC_ESCAPEKEY, SC_DKEY, SC_EKEY, SC_FKEY, SC_GKEY, SC_HKEY, SC_IKEY, SC_JKEY, SC_LKEY, SC_MKEY, SC_NKEY, SC_RKEY, SC_SKEY, SC_TKEY, SC_UKEY, SC_VKEY, SC_WKEY, SC_XKEY, SC_ZKEY, SC_7KEY, SC_8KEY, SC_9KEY, SC_4KEY, SC_5KEY, SC_6KEY, SC_1KEY, SC_2KEY, SC_3KEY, SC_0KEY, SC_SPACEKEY, // Translations of codes SC_LMENU, SC_COMMAKEY, SC_PERIOD, SC_QUOTE, SC_Calibrate, SC_ContrastUp, SC_LBRACKET, SC_RBRACKET, SC_BSLASH, SC_VolumeUp, SC_ContrastDn, SC_TILDAKEY, SC_FSLASH, SC_VolumeDn, SC_MINUS, SC_SEMICOLON, SC_NPADD, SC_NPSUBTRACT, SC_NPASTERIX, SC_NPFSLASH, SC_EQUALKEY, SC_KeyLight, SC_LampKey, SC_F7, SC_F8, SC_F9, SC_F4, SC_F5, SC_F6, SC_F1, SC_F2, SC_F3, SC_F10, SC_TABKEY }; I dont know if this is necessarily a major issue or not, but it will cause many issues with customers. As least we have the resolution.
I used my kbtool, which is not the latest. You should add SC_LSHIFT in top then SC_CAPSLOCK in bottom in Function redefinition section, increment the Function definition count, then build it then use it.
Thank you Hiro.
It should wrok. I verified it with my modified remap table. Try the attached.