How to connect to Internet via BT conenction to another phone with MC9090 (non phone)

// Expert user has replied.
P Petr Selinger 3 years 9 months ago
2 4 0

1) 2pm/ 11/24
2) 3 days
3) MC9090
4) BSP43
5) Clarify Case #1777495 Customer wants to connect to Internet from his non-phone MC9090-KUOHJFFA6WR using BT connection to another phone (Nokia). Is this possible? If yes, what profile should he use? Thanks, Petr

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4 Replies

P Petr Selinger

Thanks Ken!

D David Meyer

This should use Dial Up Networking profile.  The nokia phone must be setup as a DUN Gateway in order for this to work.  Please check with the NY Support Center for instructions on the 9090, as I believe they have provided instructions to other customers before.

P Petr Selinger

Ok, will try. Thanks Dave!

K Kenneth Ryan

On the Nokia Phone: Make sure the phone is discoverable and connectable.  Make sure the DUN Gateway Service is exposed.  Consult Nokia for this. On the MC9090: BTExplorer->Show BTExplorer->Explore Services on Remote Device The device will do a discovery.  Find the phone and click Next. The device will discover services exposed.  Find Dial-Up Networking and Click Next. Click Next and Connect. You will be on the Add Phone Book Entry, needing to name the connection, provide the phone number, ect.  This you will need from the customer/Nokia.

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