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A Aleksandr Dekhtyar 3 years 9 months ago
3 6 0

Customer is trying to determine if there is any length limitation for user name, password and APN name in MC75 Siemens modem specification. There is a operator (or private APN) in Australia who have  exceptionally long user name 37 characters (plus password 6 characters + APN at 7) Team in Australia belive they have an issue because of the limitation of the MC75 modem. Is there any specification data avalable?

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6 Replies

A Aleksandr Dekhtyar

Attached is the MC75 AT command set document with the reference to the user / password characters length.

G George Dellaratta

I'm not quite sure I understand what they are escalating.  Anyway, I don't know if the CN3 uses the same modem as the MC75. I doubt it.  This means that the limitation is in the OS.  Microsoft may have made a change in WM5.  I can't provide an "official" Motorola answer.  What more does the account team want?

A Aleksandr Dekhtyar

" I'm not quite sure I understand what they are escalating. " ------me ether.But here is the e-mail I received after I provide them with your initial respond:
From:Park Daniel-TMB378 Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 10:12 PMTo: Dekhtyar Aleksandr-TXPG73Subject: RE: case 1780567


Hi Aleksandr,


Could you raise the priority onthis. We have a lot of pressure on our side for a solution. 



Kindest Regards,


Daniel Park


email:| P: +61-3-9862-7057 | M: 0400-828-965

G George Dellaratta

There are no specifications available that discuss password limitations at the modem level.  Can the team in Australia get this to work on other devices?

A Aleksandr Dekhtyar

According to the Australian team they test it with the oldWindows CE devices and it works.  It won’twork with CN3 or MC75.

They used to have the same issue in the past with the PCMCIAMotorola modem and had to replace it with the Sony-Ericsson modem.

They want to know if there is a limitation with our MC75.

A Aleksandr Dekhtyar

Hi George, I provided your respond to the Australian team and in return they asked to escalate this issue. What is our official answer to this request? Thank you, Alex.

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