Warmboot device once after an coldboot automatically

// Expert user has replied.
A Alexander Honigmann 3 years 9 months ago
3 2 0



is there a way to warmboot the device (WM5.0 BSP39.3 or 43) after an coldboot automatically?

(by Registrykey, run warmboot.exe after coldboots only, eg.)


Thanks in advance


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2 Replies

A Anthony Ambler

Hi Alex, You can do this with a cpy file, the warmboot.exe and then using a startup reg file that launches the exe file only on a cold boot. Here are the files you need attached. Best regards, Tony Ambler

C Christopher Sather

These files are from a CE5 device, but should work.  It should only reboot once. You can also use symscript to co a reboot only after a cold boot as well.

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