Flash Player on a wm6.1 MC55

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G Glenn Sayer 3 years 9 months ago
3 2 0

I’m looking for a Flash Player that will work on the WM6.1 device (MC55). Has anyone tried this and succeeded? I have tried several solutions that have all failed. Any help would be appreciated.

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2 Replies

r roberto cottone

Glenn,    Macromedia Flash 7 Player ( http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer_pocketpc/downloads/player.html) works on the MC55. Just install the CAB file and test with the attached SWF and HTML files i.e. unzip them to \My Documents and click on the wonder.html page to start the flash player. Best Regards, Ian Hatton EMb EMEA

G Glenn Sayer

I found a solution(s) and learned some new information in the process. There are several types of Flash Player file types and the same is true for the version of the Flash Builder used to create the flash file. In the attached flash.zip file I put solutions for displaying PDF files, playing FLV Flash files on the device and via streaming, and playing SWF Flash files via streaming. I’m not sure what other files type can be played with this version of TCPMP but it looks like lots of other plug-ins are available. One other thing to keep in mind is that it looks like this version of TCPMP will play Flash files built to run on Flash Player 8 which my customer has. It is my understanding that Flash files built for newer versions might not play on this player.

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