Connect to Cisco AP via LEAP+WEP

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J Jun-Hua Liu 3 years 9 months ago
2 6 0

A customer who uses Cisco AP is considering our MC9090 and MC3090 as the replacement of Intermec CK31, but I found neither of our products with Fusion can connect to their network.


CK31 uses Funk client and its settings are as below.

Authentication: LEAP

Association: Network EAP

Encryption: WEP

User name: …

Password: …


I put all of those settings except “Association” to Fusion. MCD can associate their AP, but cannot get IP address. I think it fails to go through the authentication progress. I will attach the wireless log in the forum tomorrow when I get it.


Then I tested an IBM laptop twice. It also failed to get IP address for the first time, and get a 169.x.x.x IP for the second time. That laptop is a CCX one, so the problem must be caused by something other than “Aironet Extensions” setting on Cisco AP.


What does Funk’s “Association” mean? CCX certified Fusion 2.57 should be free of this problem?Appreciate if anyone can give me some advice. Junhua

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6 Replies

J Jun-Hua Liu

Hi team, Appreciate your great help! We are going to do another test with Fusion 2.57 next week. The biggest obstacle is that the customer is not willing to do any changes on their wireless AP's. However, they agreed to show us their AP's config and log next time. I just got the wireless log of the last test. Maybe you can give me some more advice according to the following lines for the coming test? Thank you! 15:33:10  Using profile Maxdo-36. 15:33:10  Setting SSID: Maxdo-36. 15:33:10  State: Unauthenticated. 15:33:20  Connection Timeout. 15:33:20  Country code acquired: US . 15:33:24  State: Stopped. 15:33:24  Using profile Maxdo-36. 15:33:24  Setting SSID: Maxdo-36. 15:33:24  State: Unauthenticated. 15:41:33  Connection Timeout. 15:41:34  UnBinding Adapter 15:41:35  State: Stopped. 15:41:38  No suitable profile to connect with. 15:41:38  Binding Adapter 15:41:39  Match Country with AP mode is off. 15:41:39  Country code is set to: US. 15:41:39  Country code acquired: US . 15:41:43  Using profile Maxdo-36. 15:41:43  Setting SSID: Maxdo-36. 15:41:43  State: Unauthenticated. 15:51:36  UnBinding Adapter 15:51:37  State: Stopped.

M Michael Holman

Have you tried using " domain\user" in the username field? Usually not required in a LEAP environment, but worth a try.

J Jun-Hua Liu

Succeeded!The problem was cause by the setting on Cisco AP that only allows EAP Association. After changed that setting to “Open and EAP”, both Fusion 2.55 and 2.57 connected to the AP successfully.

Thank you all for your help!Junhua


S Sean Wheatley

Double check username and password is valid and input correctly, this is most likely reason.

M Marc Fluhrer

You should ask your customer for the failed Authentication log from their ACS server to see what may be happening from that side. There used to be an issue with Leap and WEP in that Cisco defaulted to a different Key index than the handheld.

A Alexandre Silva

Junhua See attached documents for some guidelines and clarifications about CCX and Aironet Extensions. If the customer still experience any issues, I would recommend you to open a case with your TAC, with the AP model number, IOS version, AP logs, network diagram (are they using ACS or local RADIUS in the AP) and the MCs Fusion logs for further troubleshooting. hope this helps

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