WT4090 Battery Information

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C Charles Malm 3 years 9 months ago
3 5 0

What is the threshold (battery life %) when the battery will shut down?

Can this threshold be modified?

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5 Replies

C Charles Malm

Yes, I assume they mean they would also like to be able to change the percantages you mention above.

C Charles Malm

double post

C Charles Malm

UPS is seeing things begin to shut down at 10% which seems too low. Also is there any other events besides the critical suspend event? By the time one receives that event it is usually too late.

G George Dellaratta

Are you asking for the thresholds used in the system as the battery goes from good to low, etc.?

G George Dellaratta

According to the battery driver the main battery has three levels. High = battery > 30% Low = 30% > battery > 20% Critical = 20% > battery Since I believe the battery percentage uses 10% increments, then that would explain why it seems that 10% seems to be the threshold you see it go critical.

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