MSP version 3.2.1

// Expert user has replied.
E Edward Rowlance 3 years 5 months ago
1 2 0

MSP 3.2.1 has started the release process and should be available on Support Central within a few weeks.  The version that is being released is immediately available for internal evaluation and training at  A trial/demo license key will be required, as always.

The first section of the Release Notes document, available at that same location, highlights the new features available in this release.  We consider this release desirable for all customers to upgrade to.  

In addition to the product changes in this release, the User’s Guide has been substantially reorganized and enhanced.  Note that our intention with this document is accuracy and completeness, not brevity.  We may consider other publications in the future to supplement our existing documents but intend to maintain the User’s Guide as the “encyclopedia” of MSP.

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2 Replies

J Jon Preedy

Ed... Congratulations, especially on the documentation. Even the install guide is a much more useful reference tool! great stuff! Cheers, -JP

E Edward Rowlance

Thanks John.  A lot of hard work went into the docs.

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