Reasons for low sales

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J Juliet Chon 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

Team - with business down a lot this quarter, we are trying to get more understanding about whether we are losing share or just suffering from the economic problems.  I haven't heard from any of you about losses to LXE or Vocollect (or anyone else), but can you please post your perspective on this?  Especially if you have lost deals, I need to hear about it please.  Thanks.

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2 Replies

D Don Khan

Al,     As I stated in my email to you...most of the deals that we were head to head against the CK3, we won, or will win.   As for their claim on the CK3 being their fastest ramping product, I presume that this is measured against their other offerings...certainly not against the MC3090! The decline in sales of the MC3090 in Canada is not related to lost deals against the CK3. Don

A Al Henneborn

Team, I'm repeating Juliet's request for the MC3000 businees reduction (is it due to economy or due to losses to competition?).  We are aware of increased competition from the Intermec CK3 & Psion Neo but not have been informed of  any losses (exception: small EMEA retailer loss to CK3).  All feedback received to date indicates that business reduction is due to current economic conditions.  Intemec's Q4 earnings call claimed that the CK3 is their fastest ramping product ever.  We have no evidence that the fast CK3 ramp was due to wins over MC3000. For those of you that have provided feedback to Product Management, thanks & keep it coming.  Don't hesitate to reach out to the apporatiate Product Manager to provide Sales Team support in beating the competition.  Thanks.

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