Is there a way to reduce roaming?

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J Jun-Hua Liu 3 years 9 months ago
2 1 0

Hi Team,Is there a way to limit the chance of roaming between AP's when the current associated AP's signal is not the best, but still acceptable?Our customer's WiFi environment is really complex. A lot of Aruba's AP are deployed there and many of them are beyond their control. Their software is not rugged enough to deal with network packet loss problems. So, they'd like to reduce the frequency of mobile computers roaming between AP's to decrease the chance of losing network packets. For example, when an MC70 is moving from AP#1 to AP#2, our preemptive roaming algorithm will make MC70 switch to AP#2 when it just pass the middle point. Our customer's requirement is that MC70 should keep on connecting to AP1 as long as its signal is not poor. It is not the smart way of roaming, but because they want to avoid losing packets and their application does not need to transit a lot of data, it might sound reasonable.Besides advising them to improve the ruggedness of their software, what can we do on the hardware side?I know that the threshold of signal strength about roaming is burnt in firmware, and it cannot be changed. The only adjustable roaming related parameter that I found is the WiFi scan interval. Our customer is going to tune this parameter to see if it can reduce the frequency of roaming between AP's. Is there anything else we can do?Thank you!Junhua

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1 Replies

S Steve Zimmerman

Junhua See GRIP request posted un June 2007, request 4490-4491  What is really needed is Reg settings to adjust the stickiness / aggressiveness of a mobile device. I look forward to a posting that shares this registry information.

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