TSPEC Admission Control

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M Marc-Andre Giroux 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

If I understand correctly we use TSPEC Admission Control to limit the number of calls on an AP. In Spectralink I can log into the SVP server and change the value of calls per AP. On Cisco we can use the voice metrics and call admission controls to set a max number of calls per AP. Do we have that option on WING to manually set the max calls per AP. The reason for my question is we have a customer who is running WS5100 WING and is using Cisco wireless phones and he wants to limit the number of calls per AP to 7. Thanks

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2 Replies

C Chris Matheson

Yes, you can do the following by AP: - Set Max number of MU's for all associations regardless of voice or not - Set Max number of admitted MU's for voice traffic - Set Max number of roamed MU's for voice traffic - Set Max Airtime for voice (%) - Set Max Airtime reserved for roaming (%) Voice call admission conrol is enabled via the AP Global parameters

A Alexandre Silva

Marc Check these: http://motopedia.mot.com/wiki/TSPEC and http://motopedia.mot.com/wiki/SIP_Call_Admission_Control which will give a better overview of TSPEC and how to configure it in the switches.

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