TKIP issues with 3.3.0 firmware on WS5100

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A Afshin Mansoorieh 3 years 9 months ago
5 4 0

I have a customer who recently upgraded WS5100s in their DCs from 3.0.4 to 3.3.0.  They started noticing that periodically all mobile devices all being dropped and then re-associate.3.3.0 was the latest FW out at the time that they performed the upgrade.Upon opening a case with our support, the recommendation was to update the mobile device to the latest version of Mobile Companion (they have MC9060s).Instead of following that recommendation, the customer decided to downgrade the WS5100 back to 3.0.4 because it was easier to do and they already had other sites with 3.0.4 and no issues with TKIP.Needles to say the issue has gone away which leads us to believe there is either an inherent problem in 3.3.0 and the way it handles TKIP or that 3.0.4 has looser constraints on the 4-way hand shake.Has anyone else heard of similar problems being reported?

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4 Replies

A Alona Gian

First - no customer should use 3.3.0 - only 3.3.1. Now to your issue - if all devices drop off the network - that  means WPA counter measures are kicking in. Switch found tow MIC failures within 60 seconds. You can adjust that period or disable it (going against the WPA spec) and this will eliminate the drop off issue. Answering your question - if we did some specific fixes in this - not to my knowledge. Without more data - I can't answer why on 3.0.4 we don't see a problem and on 3.3.0 you do. Alona

A Afshin Mansoorieh

Alona,this customer also receive their last batch of 20 or so switches pre-loaded with 3.3.0 and are now in production.

is it our recommendation that they upgrade those switches to 3.3.1 version?If so, are there any special procedures that should be followed for going from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1? The reason for the question is that the first switch they tried to upgrade in the lab went into Diag-mode so now they are a bit nervous about upgrading the ones in production.Are there any known issues in going from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1?


A Alona Gian

Afshin, Do you mean 3.3.1? 3.3.0 is not available. Alona

A Afshin Mansoorieh

alona, I do mean 3.3.0. to be exact.  I can see that it is no longer available but apparently it was relased/posted sometime late December and the customer was able to make a request and download during that window of time.  having spoken with others I have since learned that 3.3.0 had other issues (i.e. memory leak, etc) which is probably why it was pulled off, but were there any TKIP related issues there as well? knowing that, would help close the loop with customer and move ahead. thanks, afshin

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