Does MSP report a VC5090's serial number?

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r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
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If anyone has a VC5090 talking to MSP, can you let me know if it's reporting its serial number or is it reporting 'Unspecified'? Thanks, Ken

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5 Replies

A Allan Herrod

It is a device team decision whether to add cost by burning an ESN.  MSP reports it if it exists, but we are never consulted or informed as to whether a given device will have one.  You should take this up with the device Product Manager.

r roberto cottone

Thanks Michael.  Can someone from the MSP team share what API call is being made to get the ESN?  I have a customer using the RCM_GetESN() call and it's not returning a value.  There must be some other call that is needed on the VC5090 to get the ESN.

A Allan Herrod

RCM_GetESN()  is the only call MSP uses to get the serial number from a device.  If that call exists, does not error, and returns a valid serial number, then MSP reprots that serial number, otherwise, it does not. There are various reasons why a device might not support reading a serial number using the above process, but I am not aware of any way to read one if the above process does not work.

r roberto cottone

Thanks Allan.  I wonder if the VC5090 manufacturing process changed and we no longer burn in ESNs.  We're trying the RCM_GetESN() call on a new device.  According to the Support Center (see response below), we don't burn ESNs into the VC5090. I am contacting you regarding case number 1858687, which is in reference to Does VC5090 get its ESN programmed?.  The VC5090 is not programmed with an ESN.  Other devices that do not have an ESN are the MC50, MK1100, PDT8000, PDT8100, PPT2800, PPT8800.  Thank you for contacting Motorola Support.

M Michael Holman

I have a customer using many 5090's BSP30 and Agent 5.60 reporting serial numbers. I also have an abnormal 5090 which contains an invalid character in the ESN.  Prior to client v5.74 this device would not even check into MSP when staged.  Now it checks in and reports *InvalidCHAR* in the serial number attribute.  Not sure if this is related but wanted to share.

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