MC7506..voice call delay with active RAS conenction

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H Howard Laser 3 years 10 months ago
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12:30/05-11-2009 3 day MC7506 WM6 1882270 *** Performed by contact: MARCO DIBIAGIO, 3-9862-7073 Gene Niles has taken a brief look at this, but thought we had better get it in the system, and possibly SPRed. The issue occurs when using a RAS connection; if a call comes in whilst a data connection exists, the call will hang for about 10 seconds, Next, the data connection will drop and the call will then connect. After about 10 more seconds the data connections will re-establish. The next time a call comes in the issue will not occur.   Note: this issues doesn't occur at all when using the MS call manager, it only occurs whilst doing a RAS connection.   Here is what is happening in more detail:   Incoming call is being registered by the OS. - As soon as the user accepts the call, the OS will force the disconnection of the data connection. (actually, if the established connection is GPRS, there is no need to disconnect it. However, if there is a CSD connection, it has to be disconnected) I assume the OS doesn't distinguish if there is an GPRS or CSD connection but just performs the disconnection? - The time for disconnection varies depending on the network and the radio conditions. - In this case the disconnection time takes  about 10 seconds. - After the connection is disconnected, the Voice-Call will be accepted. Questions: -Why does the OS disconnect the connection if RasDial() function is used but does not disconnect if the connection manager is used ? -Is there is a way to prevent the disconnection if RasDial() function is used ?   Intermec CN3's running the same software are not seeing the issue.   We have a test file file we are using to simulate the conditions ( I can send you). MArco

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2 Replies

G George Dellaratta

I doubt that anyone in Motorola will be able to answer those questions. Follow the process.  Define the problem, get the reproduction steps, reproduce and when all that is done, open an SPR.

G Gene Niles

I don't recall looking at this.

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