VC5090 running full PC-based web apps

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A Allan Uecker 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

Anyone out there with experience in running PC-designed web applications on a VC5090.  My customer has long delays between screens (5 seconds +) on the VC5090 while getting snappy response on a notebook running on the same RF network when running the app.  When just pinging the server, he gets similar response from both devices.  The customer is using the IE that comes with the VC5090 running WinCE 5.0.  I've been told from support an a couple other TAs that this is what I can expect.  I'm looking for any tweaks, tricks, or supplements that could improve performance on the VC5090.  Thanks.

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2 Replies

M Marc Fluhrer

Al: We had a project at Nestle where they had a Rockwell server running a BCP application to backup their SAP locally in case of an outage. Rockwell's application was very Java heavy and slow on the VC5090. We used both IE and Wavelinks industrial browser. The request was made for Rockwell to re-write it for a mobile device, which they did, now it runs at a better speed than before, less Java. Still not the same as a PC, but a lot better. I would see if there is something that can be improved on the backend, if possible.

L Luis Rios Chiquete

Once we had a silimar issue with a customer requiring full IE support. We used Terminal services emulation (actual application running on a server) and they were very satisfied.

Maybe you can use the same.

- Luis

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