MC55 --Low Battery Shutdown

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H Howard Laser 3 years 9 months ago
27 9 0

13:25/05-22-2009 3 day MC55 WM6.1 1891482 Is there a pre-set amount of time (or battery percentage) between when the MC55 displays a low battery warning and when it actually shuts down? And does changing the Battery Reserve Options in the Run Time applet affect this time?

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9 Replies

H Howard Laser

Hiro, have you been able to find out the battery percentages?

H Hirokazu Haga

Please talk to Greg Arranz for the answer. He will give you our published numbers.

G Gene Niles

you may wnat to use emscript's resouce monitor to track/graph the battery usage along with the foreground window. This would give the times and levels you are looking for based upon the device's usage profile.

G George Dellaratta

I think that Hiro offered to find out the values.  But, keep in mind, it's not 0% where the terminal suspends for all the settings.  It's probably something like Option 3 - 11% gives the warning, 10% is the shut down, Option 2  - 8% gives the warning, 7% is the shut down, Option 1 - 5% gives the warning, 4% is the shut down. Since the curve is exponential and your at the steepest part, option 1 will have the greatest voltage difference for the smallest current draw.

H Howard Laser

Thanks, George. Hiro, I will await your information as to the actual percentages.

H Hirokazu Haga

I don't have numbers (% or voltage) for each option so will get it from mc55 product manager and update you next week.

G George Dellaratta

The TIME delay between displaying the message and the terminal shutting down is independent of the voltage threshold for each of the settings.  I understand that the radios are disabled, but the backlight draws a comparable amount of current!  The slope of the curve that describes the drain on the battery is pretty steep when the voltage reaches these values.  It doesn't take all that much to cause a large drop in voltage.  The options merely provide more useful life of the terminal, they do not change the behavior once the thresholds have been reached.

H Howard Laser

George, I think I understand you, but let me check...regardless of the chosen setting for Battery Reserve Options, the time from warning to shutdown is dependent on whenever the drop in voltage meets the threshold for shutdown. Bearing this in mind, if you have 2 devices consuming the exact same amount of power, and one is set for default Option 3 (warning will occur sooner), and one is set for Option 1 (warning will occur later).. shutdown will occur quicker on the Option 1 setting (again assuming power drain is equal on both devices) I guess what we are looking for is this. What is the percentage or voltage threshold reached that fires off the warning for all 3 Options, i.e: low battery shutdown warning occurs when main battery reaches 10% for Option 3 (default) low battery shutdown warning occurs when main battery reaches  7%  for Option 2 low battery shutdown warning occurs when main battery reaches   5%  for option 1 And from that point on, terminal shuts down when it reaches 0%?

H Howard Laser

I need to clarify the request being requested here: Customer uses the MC55 in batch mode, no radios on. With unit set to default Battery Reserve Option 3, the device will shut off after approximately 1 minute after receiving the low battery warning. They want to know how that shut off time changes when the Battery Reserve Option is set to Option 2 and Option 3. Logic would dictate that it would increase the time between warning and actual shutdown.

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