MC75 pairing to MC75 - can it be done?

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J Jon Preedy 3 years 9 months ago
2 4 0

Apologies for the repost: I've put this up in the Wearables forum, but it's awfully lonely over there so I thought it best to post here too.  
I have anRS507 in my hot little hands, but my challenge is pairing it to an MC75 – the onlydocumentation that I can find references a scan-to-pair program which iscurrently only available on the WT4090, and product management informs me willnot be available for the other MCD devices until Q3.


So, myquestion is: Is there ANY way that we can take an MC75 and an RS507 and makethem work together for the purposes of show and tell?


We’re inreal danger of losing an account to competitive product as the customer isstarting to shop around, so the sooner we can show them this solution thebetter.

Cheers, -JP

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4 Replies

K Kurt Fetscher

Do we support whistler as well on other platforms? MPA 1.0? MC9090 MC70 we have a couple of requests for MC9090s Thanks Kurt

M Marcus Kurath

I needed to exchange files between a VC6096 and an MC75 and tech support assisted with the proc3ess in the attached doc....I paired and MC75 with an MC9090 in the example

H Hemamalini Subramanian

Hi, Pairing 2 MC75 devices is possible. Put both the devices in Discoverable and connectable mode. In Device A, Select Menu-> NewConnection. Select 'Pair with Remote Device' from the list and click 'Next'. Selcet the Device from the list of discovered devices and click 'next'. PIN Request dialog box is displayed and will prompt to enter PIN code. Enter PIN and Click ok. In Device B, the same PIN Request dialog box is opened. Enter the same PIN and click OK. After Pairing is successfull, Click Connect. Pairing is now done. Hope this helps.

R Raghunandan Nagaraja Rao

This feature will be available in August '09 Maintenance release. We will be releasing a BETA image in the last week of June. Please sign up with for the BETA program. Thanks Raghu

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