Unattended mode support

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S Samuel Garcia Blanco 3 years 10 months ago
5 3 0

1) 26-May-092) 1 day3) MC55 and MC704) Latest WM 6.1 versions5) #1881246I tested a software which registers an application in unattended mode and tested it on different units.MC55 WM6.1, MC70 WM6.1, MC35 WM6. I had the same results in all of them.* I set up in the terminal “backlight timeout” and “suspend timeout on battery” to 1 minute.* I run an application registered on unattended mode with PowerPolicyNotify(PPN_UNATTENDEDMODE, true )* After 1minute of inactivity the display is turned completely off and the application is still running. (Correct unattended)* After other additional minute the terminal suspends itself completelly stopping the application. (Incorrect unattended)Paul Hurford had similar results even modifying several related registry keys. We are wondering if we really support it, if there is something specific to configure to get it working or maybe if there is a possible SPR.As always, thanks for your help!

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3 Replies

G George Dellaratta

How do you know that the terminal suspended?

S Samuel Garcia Blanco

Thanks John, that looks interesting! George, I know that the terminal is suspended because the registered application in unattended mode is showing a time log with an entry each 5 seconds and when I come back from the suspend mode I see a gap on the log. In unattended mode the log is continuous.

r roberto cottone

Samuel, Here is a table from Microsoft showing the different transitions out of unattended mode:

Current State
New State


UREF set to zero



SystemIdle timeout






On/off event



On event



Power Manager

Cannot be set by SetSystemPowerState.

This means that if you are in unattended mode and the suspend timer times out (1 minute in your case) you will transition to suspend.  You can counter act this by calling SystemIdleTimerReset.  As shown above this will maintain the unattended state. John

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