MC55 USB - serial convertor

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J Jiri Novotny 3 years 9 months ago
2 5 0

Hi team, Does anyone have  experience with USB - RS-232 coverter for MC55? Urgently need for big project solution for charging cable / cradle extension about serial interface for existing probe connection via RS-232. Thanks Jiri

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5 Replies

K Kjell Lloyd

Thanks all for the feedback. Hopefully this will help us to get this working.

K Kjell Lloyd

Hi We have a partner trying to get a USB to serial converter to work with a MC55 and can't get it working. The converter is based on the FTDI chipset. So to my questions: 1) Does the MC55 have to be in USB Host mode to get this working? 2) Is COM1 or COM2 ports free to use on MC55? 3) Does any Motorola TA have experience with this solution? Any feedback would be much appreciated. thanks Kjell

H Hemamalini Subramanian

1) Does the MC55 have to be in USB Host mode to get this working?     Yes, Device should be in host mode to get that working. You can use the USBConfig applet to switch from Client mode to Host mode. 2) Is COM1 or COM2 ports free to use on MC55?     COM1 can be used.

P Praveen Gudisagar

Refer to…... for the details on serial port usage in MC55. COM1 is already in use.

P Praveen Gudisagar

Yes, FTDI USB-Serial Cable has been used with MC55. This works with the MC55 single-slot cradle.

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