SMS Staging

// Expert user has replied.
B Brad McDonald 3 years 9 months ago
2 1 0

Hello, I trying to adopt several MC75's that weren't staged via our internal MSP 3.2.1.  These devices are rarely connected via WiFi, but do have valid network profiles defined.  I created an external site in MSP where public and private FTP sites resolve to our public MSP address, which I did.  Created a simple SMS staging package that only contained enable30.  The MC75 I was targeting didn't have its WiFi enabled.  I made the request for SMS staging, the MC75 did recieve the SMS package and began work, but Rapid Deployment could find my site until I forced the PCS Vision to connect via EVDO, the deployment finished.  Now for my would I get Rapid Deployment using SMS make the call to PCS Vision (#777)? Thank You.

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1 Replies

A Allan Herrod

MSP currently does not provide ANY support to configure or manage the WWAN connections on EVDO devices.

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