WiFi VOIP on AP5181 in a MESH configurations

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M Marc-Andre Giroux 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

Team, we have a partner  (IBM) which is currently evaluating the AP5181 for an outdoor deployment to support voice (currently the customer is using Spectralink but they might be migrating to TEAM). What IBM is seeking is design guidelines which include all requirements and recommandation for voice over a MESH Network. For example is there any limitation in the number of hops that a MESH can have to work correctly with Voice? 2,  3 or 5 hops, how much latency do the hops add?  Is using 802.11a recommended for the backhaul. How does backhauling impact the number of calls they can support by AP? I've looked on SMART, the Design Guide 1.2 on support central and EWLAN Portal and I can't find what he is looking for... can anyone here guide me in the right direction?

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2 Replies

C Chris Frazee

Hello Marc,       I have attached a couple of documents that should benefit you and your customer. Chris Frazee

M Mark Mann

Hi Marc, There is a nice White Paper that goes into some good discussion of Voice on a WLAN.  I didn't see anything pertaining to MESH but this paper provides some good information (check out page10). See compass url below or attached.  I hope this helps. http://compass.mot.com/doc/316141886/Preparing_Your_WLAN_Infr.pdf Sincerely, Mark Mann

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